Swift WebフレームワークKituraをDocker on Amazon EC2で動かしてみた

Swift WebフレームワークKituraをDocker on Amazon EC2で動かしてみた

Clock Icon2016.02.23


2016/02/24 10:30追記 : IBM Container for Bluemixの情報を追記しました

ども、大瀧です。 本日公開されたIBM製Swift WebフレームワークKituraを、AWSでしかもDockerで動作させてみたのでご紹介します。


Bluemixのページでは当然KituraをIBM Bluemixで動作させる様子が全面に紹介されていますが、Swift自体はLinuxで動作することが知られているのでAmazon EC2やDockerで動作させることも出来るのでは?と思い立った次第です。


FROM ubuntu:wily

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
  git \
  libhttp-parser-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libhiredis-dev \
  clang libicu-dev \
  dh-autoreconf pkg-config libkqueue0 libkqueue-dev libbsd-dev libblocksruntime-dev \
  wget \
  && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN wget https://swift.org/builds/development/ubuntu1510/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-02-08-a/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-02-08-a-ubuntu15.10.tar.gz && \
  tar zxf swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-02-08-a-ubuntu15.10.tar.gz && \
  mkdir -p /opt/swift && \
  mv swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-02-08-a-ubuntu15.10/usr/ /opt/swift/

ENV PATH /opt/swift/usr/bin:$PATH

RUN git clone -b opaque-pointer git://github.com/seabaylea/swift-corelibs-libdispatch && \
 cd swift-corelibs-libdispatch && sh ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make && make install


RUN wget https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura/raw/master/Sources/Modulemaps/module.modulemap -O /usr/local/include/dispatch/module.modulemap

RUN wget http://ftp.exim.org/pub/pcre/pcre2-10.20.tar.gz && \
  tar zxf pcre2-10.20.tar.gz && \
  cd pcre2-10.20/ && \
  ./configure && make && make install

RUN git clone https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura.git && \
  cd Kitura/ && \
  swift build ; \

CMD ./Kitura/.build/debug/KituraSample


  • AMI : ubuntu-wily-15.10-amd64-server-20160217.1 (ami-552a2b3b) (東京リージョン)
  • Docker : バージョン 1.10.2, build c3959b1


$ sudo docker build -t takipone/kitura .
  : (略)
$ sudo docker run -d -p 8090:8090 takipone/kitura
$ curl localhost:8090
You're running Kitura



BluemixにはIBM Container for BluemixというDocker対応サービスがあるので、Docker Hubにそれらしいイメージを見つけることができました。


$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                        PORTS                    NAMES
50c224b55be8        ibmcom/kitura-ubuntu:latest   "/bin/sh -c /root/ci."   12 minutes ago      Exited (2) 11 minutes ago                              admiring_meitner
$ docker logs 50c224b55be8
>> About to clone branch 'master' for Kitura
Cloning into 'Kitura'...
>> About to build Kitura...
Cloning https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-router.git
Using version 0.2.0 of package Kitura-router
Cloning https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-net.git
Using version 0.2.0 of package Kitura-net
Cloning https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-sys.git
Using version 0.2.0 of package Kitura-sys
Cloning https://github.com/IBM-Swift/LoggerAPI.git
Using version 0.2.0 of package LoggerAPI
Cloning https://github.com/IBM-Swift/BlueSocket.git
Using version 0.0.4 of package BlueSocket
Cloning https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-CurlHelpers.git
Using version 0.2.0 of package Kitura-CurlHelpers
Cloning https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-HttpParserHelper.git
Using version 0.2.0 of package Kitura-HttpParserHelper
Cloning https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-Pcre2.git
Using version 0.2.0 of package Kitura-Pcre2
Cloning https://github.com/IBM-Swift/SwiftyJSON.git
Using version 3.1.0 of package SwiftyJSON
Cloning https://github.com/IBM-Swift/HeliumLogger.git
Using version 0.2.0 of package HeliumLogger
Cloning https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-TestFramework.git
Using version 0.2.0 of package Kitura-TestFramework
Compiling Swift Module 'LoggerAPI' (1 sources)
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:37:68: warning: __FUNCTION__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #function
    public static func verbose(msg: String, functionName: String = __FUNCTION__,
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:38:24: warning: __LINE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #line
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__ ) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:38:53: warning: __FILE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #file
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__ ) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:43:64: warning: __FUNCTION__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #function
    public class func info(msg: String, functionName: String = __FUNCTION__,
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:44:24: warning: __LINE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #line
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:44:53: warning: __FILE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #file
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:49:67: warning: __FUNCTION__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #function
    public class func warning(msg: String, functionName: String = __FUNCTION__,
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:50:24: warning: __LINE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #line
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:50:53: warning: __FILE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #file
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:55:65: warning: __FUNCTION__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #function
    public class func error(msg: String, functionName: String = __FUNCTION__,
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:56:24: warning: __LINE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #line
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:56:53: warning: __FILE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #file
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:61:65: warning: __FUNCTION__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #function
    public class func debug(msg: String, functionName: String = __FUNCTION__,
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:62:24: warning: __LINE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #line
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:62:53: warning: __FILE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #file
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
Linking Library:  .build/debug/LoggerAPI.a
Compiling Swift Module 'KituraSys' (4 sources)
<unknown>:0: error: module 'Dispatch' requires feature 'blocks'
<unknown>:0: error: could not build Objective-C module 'Dispatch'
<unknown>:0: error: module 'Dispatch' requires feature 'blocks'
<unknown>:0: error: could not build Objective-C module 'Dispatch'
<unknown>:0: error: module 'Dispatch' requires feature 'blocks'
<unknown>:0: error: could not build Objective-C module 'Dispatch'
<unknown>:0: error: module 'Dispatch' requires feature 'blocks'
<unknown>:0: error: could not build Objective-C module 'Dispatch'
<unknown>:0: error: build had 1 command failures
swift-build: error: exit(1): ["/root/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-02-08-a-ubuntu15.10/usr/bin/swift-build-tool", "-f", "/root/Kitura/.build/debug/Kitura-Sys.o/llbuild.yaml"]

swift build
Compiling Swift Module 'KituraSys' (4 sources)
<unknown>:0: error: module 'Dispatch' requires feature 'blocks'
<unknown>:0: error: could not build Objective-C module 'Dispatch'
<unknown>:0: error: module 'Dispatch' requires feature 'blocks'
<unknown>:0: error: could not build Objective-C module 'Dispatch'
<unknown>:0: error: module 'Dispatch' requires feature 'blocks'
<unknown>:0: error: could not build Objective-C module 'Dispatch'
<unknown>:0: error: module 'Dispatch' requires feature 'blocks'
<unknown>:0: error: could not build Objective-C module 'Dispatch'
<unknown>:0: error: build had 1 command failures
swift-build: error: exit(1): ["/root/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-02-08-a-ubuntu15.10/usr/bin/swift-build-tool", "-f", "/root/Kitura/.build/debug/Kitura-Sys.o/llbuild.yaml"]

make: [make] Error 1 (ignored)
Makefile:21: recipe for target 'make' failed
make -f Packages/Kitura-net*/Makefile
make[1]: Entering directory '/root/Kitura'
mkdir -p ./.build/debug
clang -c -fPIC  ./Packages/Kitura-CurlHelpers-0.2.0/CurlHelpers.c -o ./.build/debug/CurlHelpers.o
ar rcs ./.build/debug/libcurlHelpers.a ./.build/debug/CurlHelpers.o
clang -c -fPIC  -I/usr/local/include ./Packages/Kitura-HttpParserHelper-0.2.0/utils.c -o ./.build/debug/httpParserHelper.o
ar rcs ./.build/debug/libhttpParserHelper.a ./.build/debug/httpParserHelper.o
swift build -Xcc -fblocks -Xlinker -L./.build/debug -Xlinker -ldispatch
Compiling Swift Module 'LoggerAPI' (1 sources)
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:37:68: warning: __FUNCTION__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #function
    public static func verbose(msg: String, functionName: String = __FUNCTION__,
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:38:24: warning: __LINE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #line
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__ ) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:38:53: warning: __FILE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #file
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__ ) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:43:64: warning: __FUNCTION__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #function
    public class func info(msg: String, functionName: String = __FUNCTION__,
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:44:24: warning: __LINE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #line
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:44:53: warning: __FILE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #file
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:49:67: warning: __FUNCTION__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #function
    public class func warning(msg: String, functionName: String = __FUNCTION__,
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:50:24: warning: __LINE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #line
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:50:53: warning: __FILE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #file
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:55:65: warning: __FUNCTION__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #function
    public class func error(msg: String, functionName: String = __FUNCTION__,
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:56:24: warning: __LINE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #line
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:56:53: warning: __FILE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #file
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:61:65: warning: __FUNCTION__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #function
    public class func debug(msg: String, functionName: String = __FUNCTION__,
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:62:24: warning: __LINE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #line
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
/root/Kitura/Packages/LoggerAPI-0.2.0/Sources/LoggerAPI/Logger.swift:62:53: warning: __FILE__ is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3, please use #file
        lineNum: Int = __LINE__, fileName: String = __FILE__) {
Linking Library:  .build/debug/LoggerAPI.a
Compiling Swift Module 'KituraSys' (4 sources)
/root/Kitura/Packages/Kitura-sys-0.2.0/Sources/KituraSys/Queue.swift:48:42: error: use of unresolved identifier 'get_dispatch_queue_concurrent'
        let concurrent: COpaquePointer = get_dispatch_queue_concurrent()
<unknown>:0: error: build had 1 command failures
swift-build: error: exit(1): ["/root/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-02-08-a-ubuntu15.10/usr/bin/swift-build-tool", "-f", "/root/Kitura/.build/debug/Kitura-Sys.o/llbuild.yaml"]

make[1]: *** [kitura] Error 1
Packages/Kitura-net-0.2.0/Makefile:44: recipe for target 'kitura' failed
make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/Kitura'
Makefile:21: recipe for target 'make' failed
make: *** [make] Error 2





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